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- International Department
November 15, 2022
If you gained considerable weight during the health emergency and did not do any physical activity before going to the gym, visit the cardiologist. More and more young adults are having heart attacks because of bad habits.
Having a balanced nutritional regimen, not smoking, restricting alcohol consumption and exercising frequently are essential factors for good cardiovascular health. However, doing sports without having a prior heart check-up can be risky, especially if you gained weight during the pandemic, led a sedentary life, and did not undergo any medical check-up to rule out underlying diseases.
Dr. Rodrigo León, a cardiologist at Clinica Ricardo Palma, points out that, although there is no clearly defined age to start having cardiological check-ups, this depends on the patient, their risk factors and comorbidities. In general, it is recommended in the case of men from the age of 40 and in women from the age of 50 or after the menopause period.
“There is a group of people who should consider this type of check-up between the ages of 30 and 35. They are those with cardiovascular risk factors: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and smokers; as well as those who have direct relatives who have presented fatal or non-fatal cardiovascular diseases before the age of 55 in men and before the age of 65 in women”, he emphasizes.
What does this control consist of?
The cardiologist will do a medical history and a physical exam to identify some factors that may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Based on the results of the evaluation, the specialist will indicate which tests the patient should undergo. These are:
Remember: Exercises provide many health benefits, but before practicing them it is important to know the real condition of your heart, especially after the pandemic, so you will know what type of physical activity is the most convenient for you.
Dr. Rodrigo León
Cardiologist at Clinica Ricardo Palma