PlanSalud of Clinica Ricardo Palma, in its continuous search to provide our members with excellence in comprehensive health services, has expanded the list of special benefits associated with special coverage for Outpatient Care, Hospitalization and Emergency, as it is stated in the Eleventh Clause: Special Benefits.

Below are the procedures covered at 50 per cent :

Special Benefits Nuclear Medicine


001810Special studies of nuclear medicine – D1

Code Description
1262 Neuronavigator
1263 Cusa Ultrasonic Aspirator System
1265 Atraumatic Negative Pressure Kit
1277 Pressure Therapy Equipment
1279 Polygraph Stimulator And Radio Frequency Generator
1285 Multimodal Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring Equipment
1441 Cerebral Ventricular Neuroendoscope
1443 Counterpulsation Balloon Kit
1445 Minimally Invasive Tumorectomy Equipment
121104 Reconstruction Of Cartilages And Ligaments Of The Hip Via Artorscopic
450116 Total Body External Irradiation
450117 Total Surface Irradiation
450120 Stereotaxic Surgery (From 1 To 4 Isocentres)
450121 Stereotaxic Surgery (From 4 To 8 Isocentres)
350120 Total Body Tracking With Mibi
350121 Thyrogen Application
350211 Spect Cerebral With Trodat – Tc99m
350421 Myocardial Perfusion With Mibi-Tc99m Physical Stress
350422 Myocardial Perfusion With Mibi-Tc99m Pharmacological Stress
350514 Gastric Emptying: Quantification (Solids)
350904 Therapy With Lutetium 177
001811 Special studies of nuclear medicine – D2
001812 Special studies of nuclear medicine – T1
001813 Special studies of nuclear medicine – T2


Special Benefits Radiotherapy


Code Description
450126 High Rate Image Guided Intracavitary Brachytherapy Session
450127 High Rate Interstitial Brachytherapy Session
450128 Prostate Brachytherapy Session
450129 Brain Radiosurgery (Package)
450130 Extracerebral Radiosurgery – Sbrt (Package)
450131 Magnetic Calibration

Special benefits in Advanced Echocardiography Unit


Code Description
230401 3D Advanced Transthoracic Echocardiogram
230402 3D Advanced Transthoracic Echocardiogram + Myocardial Strain
230403 3D Advanced Transthoracic Echocardiogram + Bubble Test
230404 3D Advanced transesophageal echocardiogram
230405 3D Advanced transesophageal echocardiogram + Bubble Test
230406 3D Interventional advanced transesophageal echocardiography
230407 Physical Stress Echocardiogram
230408 Pharmacological Stress Echocardiogram


Special benefits in Radiology


Code Description
484102 TAVI protocol
484103 Coronary angiotomography
484104 Calcium score


Special benefits in Pain Therapy


Code Description
220401 Cervical Sympathetic Neurolytic Blockade (Sympatectomy)
220402 Non-Neurolytic Lumbar Sympathetic Blockade
220403 Neurolytic Blockade of the Celiac Plexus
220409 Facet or Intra-articular Blocks/Cervical Vertebral Medial Branch
220404 Facet or Intra-articular Blocks/Medial Vertebral Dorsal Branch
220405 Facet or Intra-articular Blocks/Lumbar Vertebral Medial Branch
220406 Epidural Post Surgical Analgesia with Catheter
220407 Postoperative Pain Control Through Epidural and/or Regional Catheters Implanted in the Surgical Act (Includes Placement of Elastomeric Pump)
220408 Post Surgical Analgesia with Upper Limb Plexus Block
220410 Joint Lock of Shoulder, Knee and Small Joints
220411 Treatment Through Upper Limb Plexus Catheters (Includes Placement of Elastomeric Pump)
220412 Post Surgical Analgesia With Lower Limb Plexus Block
220413 Treatment Through Lower Limb Plexus Catheters (Includes Placement of Elastomeric Pump)
220414 Post Surgical Analgesia with Peripheral Plexus Block with Catheter
220415 Iontophoresis. Seven Session Package. With Monitoring Control and Sealing of Venous or Spinal Reservoirs
220416 Non-Neurolytic Subarachnoid Blocks
220417 Peripheral Neurolytic Blocks Under Image Control
220418 Implantation of Catheters for Postoperative Pain Control Outside of the Surgical/Anesthetic Act. Epidurals. Maximum 7 Days Pca (Patient Controlled Analgesia). Infusion Pump
220419 Spinal cord stimulation. Programming, Telemetry and Cryoanalgesia Control
220420 Coxo-Femoral or Sacroiliac Joint Block Under Image Control
220421 Spheno-Palatine Ganglion Block
220422 Non-Neurolytic Cervico-Thoracic Block (Stellate Ganglion), Under Image Control
220423 Non-Neurolytic Splanchnic Block under Image Control
220424 Non-Neurolytic Hypogastric Plexus or Odd Ganglion Block
220425 Transforaminal Epidural Non-Neurolytic Block, Under Image Control
220426 Long-Term Spinal Catheter Implant
220427 Spinal Electrode Implantation for Spinal Cord Stimulation
220428 Neurolytic Blockade of the Hypogastric Plexus or Odd Ganglio V
220429 Neurolytic Blockade of the V Splanchnic Nerves
220430 Radiofrequency of Peripheral Nerves Under Image Control V
220431 Implante, Recambio o Retirada de Reservorio Epidural o Intratecal V
220432 Implantation, Replacement or Removal of Epidural or Intrathecal Pouch V
220433 Radiofrequency of Posterior Vertebral Joints (Medial Branch). One or Several
220434 Radiofrequency of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar or Sacral Sympathetic
220435 Radiofrequency of Dorsal Root Ganglia: Cervical, Dorsal, Lumbar or Sacral
220436 Radiofrequency of the Posterior Roots Via Lateral Epidural Route
220437 Radiofrequency of the Intervertebral Disc. One or Several
220438 Radiofrequency and Other Gasser Ganglion Therapies
220439 Radiofrequency of the Splanchnic Nerves VI
220440 Radiofrequency of the VI Sacroiliac Joint
220441 VI Percutaneous Discectomy
220442 Epidural Radiofrequency with LV Stimulation Catheter
220443 Percutaneous Cervical Cordotomy VI
220444 Deep Muscle Blockade for Analgesia, Under Image Control


Special benefits in Electrophysiology


Code Description
230223 Single-chamber or Dual-chamber Definitive Pacemaker Telemetry
230224 Single or Dual Chamber Cardiodefibrillator Telemetry
230225 Resynchronizer Telemetry with Cardiac Defibrillator
230226 Telemetría de Holter Subcutáneo
230227 Subcutaneous Holter Telemetry
230228 Holter de 12 Derivadas de 48 Horas
230229 48 Hour 12 Derivative Holter
230230 Implante de Resincronizador Cardiaco con Desfibrilador
230231 Cardiac Resynchronizer Implantation with Defibrillator
230232 Percutaneous Closure of the Left Appendage
230233 Subcutaneous Holter Implant
230234 Tilt Test


Special benefits in Mastology


Code Description
60116 Laparoscopic Axillary Exploration and Nodal Biopsy
60117 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) of Axillary Lydenopathy
60118 Punch Biopsy of Skin Lesion
60119 Placement of Clip in Breast and/or Armpit Nodule
60120 Core Biopsy of Breast and/or Armpit Nodule
60121 Harpoon-Guided Removal of Non-Palpable Breast Lesion
60122 Axillary and/or Inguinal Sentinel Node Biopsy
60123 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
60124 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery With Axillary Removal
60213 Core Biopsy From Soft Parts Injury

Special benefits in Traumatología


Code Description
120104 Injection(s) into Single Tendon at Origin/Insertion
120106 Single or Multiple Trigger Point Injection(s), Three or More Muscle(s)
120108 Image-Guided Joint Infiltration Major Joints
120111 Forced Joint Mobilization -Under Anesthesia + Arthroscopic Arthrolysis-Knee
120416 Bloodless Reduction and Immobilization of Fracture of 1 or More Tarsal Bones
120421 Bloodless Reduction and Immobilization of Tibia and Fibula Fractures
120423 Bloodless Reduction of Fibula Fracture with External Fixation
120424 Cruel Treatment of Scapula Fracture with or without Internal Fixation
120510 Tratamiento Cruento de Fractura de Escapula con o sin Fijación Interna
120513 Crude Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fracture with Shoulder Dislocation with or without Internal Fixation
120514 Cruel Treatment of Distal Humerus Fracture with Internal Fixation, Includes Exploration of the Radial and Ulnar Nerve
120516 Cruel Treatment of Distal Radius Fracture with Arthroscopic Assistance
120523 Cruel Treatment of Distal Femur Fracture with Joint Compromise with Plate and Screws
120524 Cruel Treatment of Distal Femur Fracture without Joint Compromise with Plate and Screws
120525 Cruel Treatment of Diaphysis Tibia or Fibula Fracture with or without Cerclage
120526 Bloody Treatment of Tibia Plates or Tuberosities Fractures
120527 Cruel Treatment of Non-Articular Proximal Tibia Fracture with Plate and/or Screws
120528 Cruel Treatment of Proximal Tibia Joint Fracture with Plate and/or Screws
120529 Cruel Treatment of Proximal Tibia Joint Fracture with Bone Graft Plate and Screws
120531 Crude Treatment by Arthroscopy of Fracture Plates or Tibia Tuberosities with Internal Fixation
120532 Cruelty Arthroscopy Treatment of Distal Tibia Fracture with Internal Fixation
120539 Surgical Treatment of Metacarpal Fracture of each Finger without Displacement
120540 Surgical Treatment Metacarpal Fracture of each Finger with Displacement
120805 Tibia and Fibula Osteotomy with or without Fixation
120809 Talar or Calcaneus Osteotomy with no Fixation
120914 Carpal Lengthening or Shortening Osteoplasty – Metacarpal
Arthroscopic Surgery, Shoulder – Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair + Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tenoplasty
121021 Arthroscopic Surgery, Shoulder – Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair + Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tenoplasty + Subscapularis Repair
121022 Arthroscopic Surgery, Shoulder – Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair + Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tenoplasty + Subscapularis Repair Plus Tenotomy AND/OR Bicipital Tenodesis
121023 Arthroscopic Surgery, Shoulder – Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair + Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tenoplasty + Subscapularis Repair Plus Bicipital Tenotomy and/or Tenodesis and Superior Capsule Reconstruction or Augmentation with Graft
121030 Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
121031 Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
121032 Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Multiligamentary Reconstruction
121033 Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Meniscal Suture
121034 Arthroscopic Meniscal Reattachment Surgery
121035 Autologous Osteochondral Implant More Arthroscopic Surgery
121036 Arthroscopic Surgery for Microperforations (Pridie)
121038 Arthroscopic Knee Surgery with Meniscal Remodeling
121105 Hip Arthroplasty with Total Prosthesis
121107 Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty; Both Components, with or without Autologous Graft or Allograft
121108 Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty; Acetabular Component Only, with or without Autologous Graft or Allograft
121109 Hip Arthroplasty with Non-Conventional Prosthesis for Neoplasia
121110 Review of Non-Conventional Prosthesis for Neoplasia
121111 Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty; Femoral Component Only, with or without Allograft
121115 Shoulder Arthroplasty with Prosthesis
121117 Primary Knee Arthroplasty, Posterior Stabilized
121118 Revision Knee Arthroplasty
121122 Wrist-Scaphoid Arthroplasty with Prosthetic Replacement
121218 Ankle Arthrodesis
121220 Midtarsal or Metatarsal Arthrodesis One Joint
121222 Full Wrist Arthrodesis without Bone Graft
121223 Wrist Arthrodesis with Sliding Graft
121224 Wrist Arthrodesis with Autologous Graft
121226 Interphalangeal Arthrodesis with Bone Graft
121308 Lateral Elbow Ligament Repair
121310 Capsulorrhaphy or Open Wrist Reconstruction, Any Method (Includes Synovectomy, Capsulotomy and Open Reduction) for Carpal Instability
121315 Hip Capsulotomy
121317 Ankle Ligament Repair
121318 Metatarsophalangeal Joint Capsulotomy
121411 Bloodless Reduction + Immobilization of the Foot Not Involving the Talotarsal
121511 Cruentious Treatment of Scpulohumeral Dislocation with Bone Graft and Tenorrhaphy. Latarjet
121518 Bloody Ankle Dislocation Treatment + Internal / External Fixation
121523 Cruent Treatment of Metatarsophalangeal Dislocation with Internal Fixation
121711 Suture Flexor Tendons Forearm and/or Wrist Primary / Secondary each Tendon
121714 Thumb Opposition Restoration
121716 Repair and Suture – Hand Extensor Tendon Tenorrhaphy without Graft. Each Tendon
121717 Repair and Suture – Hand Extensor Tendon Tenorrhaphy with Graft. Each Tendon
121718 Repair and Suture – Extensor Tendon Tenorrhaphy with Prosthetic Rod
121719 Repair and Suture -Tenorrhaphy of Finger Extensor Tendon without Graft. Each Tendon
121720 Repair and Suture -Tenorrhaphy of Finger Extensor Tendon with Graft. Each Tendon
121721 Repair and Suture -Tenorrhaphy of Tendon of Arm or Elbow
121722 Repair and Suture -Tenorrhaphy of Extensor Tendon of the Forearm and/or Wrist
121726 Wrist Ganglion Excussion – Recurrent
121727 Wrist Ganglion Excision by Arthroscopy
121733 Tendon Transplant or Transfer, Palmar; without Free Tendon Graft, Each Tendon
121734 Tendon Transplant or Transfer, Palmar; with Free Tendon Graft (Includes Obtaining the Graft), Each Tendon
121735 Tendon Transfer to Restore Intrinsic Function; All Fingers (Except Thumb)
121736 Tennoplasty with Lengthening or Shortening or Tendon Graft or Transfer Feet
121737 Open/Partial Palmar Fasciotomy
121738 Percutaneous Palmar Fasciotomy
121739 Tx.Qx. of The Syndactyla with Skin Flaps
121740 Tx.Qx. of The Syndactyla with Skin Flaps + Grafts
121741 Tx.Qx. of La Sindáctila with Bone Compromise
121742 Primary Open or Percutaneous Achilles Tenorrhaphy
121743 Primary Open or Percutaneous Achilles Tenorrhaphy with Graft
121745 Decompressive Fasciotomy, Forearm and/or Wrist, Flexor Muscle without Muscle Debridement
121746 Decompressive Fasciotomy, Forearm and/or Wrist, Flexor Muscle with Muscle Debridement
121747 Decompressive Fasciotomy Hand
121748 Hip/Thigh Fasciotomy
121749 Knee/Leg Fasciotomy
121809 Amputation, Metatarsal with Toe
121907 PClubfoot
121908 Cavus Foot
121909 Flatfoot
121910 Varus Equine or Equine Foot
121911 Hallus Valgus, Hallus Varus – Cheilectomy, Capsular Release
121912 Hallus Valgus, Hallus Varus Simple Exostomy
121913 Hallus Valgus, Hallus Varus Keller Type Procedure
121914 Hallus Valgus, Hallus Varus with Tendon Transplant
121915 Hallus Valgus,Hallus Varus with Metatarsal Osteotomy
121916 Hallus Valgus,Hallus Varus Lapidus Type Procedure
121917 Hallus Valgus,Hallus Varus Phalanx Osteotomy
121918 Hallus Valgus,Hallus Varus Other Methods
122007 Radical Resection of Tumor, Soft Tissue of Pelvis and Hip Region (E.g. Malignant Neoplasia); Less than 5.0cm
122008 Radical Resection of Soft Tissue Tumor of 5cm or More – Mmii
122009 Radical Resection of Soft Tissue Tumor of 5cm or More – Mmss
122010 Radical Resection of Tumor, (Ex. Malignant Neoplasm), of Soft Tissues of the Pelvis and Hip, 5.0 Cm or More
122107 Hand Finger Transfer to Another Position

Special benefits in Neurology


Code Description
71715 Angioseal Vascular Closure Device 6F
71716 Angioseal Vascular Closure Device 8F
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