“Healthy eating is what provides the nutrients that the body needs for the proper functioning of the organism, preserving or restoring health, as well as minimizing the risk of contracting diseases,” says Karen Velásquez, a nutritionist at our clinic, who provides us with a series of recommendations to promote healthy eating habits.
- Prefer and choose natural foods as the basis of your diet and avoid ultra-processed foods.
- If you eat out, look for a homemade menu or traditional food.
- When shopping, choose fruits and vegetables of different colors, preferably in season.
- Accompany your lunch and dinner with fresh or cooked vegetable salads.
- Strengthen your body and mind by eating a daily food of animal origin, such as meat, offal, blood, fish, eggs and dairy products.
- Eat less fried foods. Instead, prefer stewed, grilled, baked or steamed preparations.
- Consume fish at least twice a week
- Before cooking, remove visible fat from red meat and skin from poultry.
- You can consume one egg a day, preferably boiled.
- Consume natural milk, cheese and yogurt to strengthen your bones and teeth.
- Do not miss the menestras; they are tasty, very healthy and can be prepared in many ways.
- Take care of your health; avoid overweight by reducing the consumption of sugars in your food and drinks. Replace desserts, stuffed cookies, packaged candies and cakes with natural fruits.
- Replace sodas, packaged fruit juices and packaged sweetened juices with water or natural juices without sugar.
- Season your preparations with natural ingredients such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, chili peppers, among others, instead of commercial seasonings that have a lot of sodium.
- Do not add more salt to your meals at the moment of consumption, remove the salt shaker from your table. Replace instant soups, sausages and salty snacks with fresh foods and homemade preparations.
- Hydrate properly by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
- Keep your body and mind active and alert. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.
Maintaining a healthy diet strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases and contributes to overall health, improving quality of life.
Karen Velásquez
Nutritionist at Clínica Ricardo Palma