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- Av. Javier Prado Este 1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú
- International Department
March 11, 2021
Commemorating World Kidney Day, Dr. Augusto Saavedra, Nephrologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma, says that people diagnosed with kidney disease suffer a great impact on their lives, limiting their daily activities.
Also, this disease causes fatigue, pain, depression, cognitive impairment, gastrointestinal problems, among others.
That is why the specialist gives us the following tips to ensure good kidney health:
Keep a healthy diet
Low salt consumption, not only when preparing food, but consider everything that already has salt: bread, butter, cheeses, packaged products, etc. Low consumption of refined sugar (foods with fructose, mainly), to regulate glucose levels in the blood.
Hydrate properly
Drinking 2 liters of water daily may be enough, considering water naturally contained in vegetables, fruits, and other foods.
Consume protein moderately
High-protein intake damages our kidneys. Adults should not consume more than 1 g of effective protein per kilo of ideal weight (according to height). Growing children and adolescents can consume up to 1.5 g per kilo.
Avoid overweight and obesity
Carbohydrates, flours and fats must be consumed in moderate and sufficient quantities to avoid obesity and related diseases. Regular physical activity guarantees good health.
Avoid self-medication
Misusing medicines can put our health at risk. Remember that you should always seek specialist’s advice.
Get a routine checkup
A complete urine test of the first sample in the morning (looking for the presence of protein) will be enough, as well as measuring the level of creatinine through a blood test. If these tests detect any alteration, more complete studies of blood and urine will be carried out, as well as imaging (initially one ultrasound will be enough).
Remember, early diagnosis and intervention are key to avoid the risk of kidney disease.
Dr. Augusto Saavedra
Nephrologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma