Sleep is an extremely important basic need to stay healthy. According to the World Health Organization, people should sleep at least 6 hours a day to avoid consequences that alter the functioning of the body. However, there are various factors that prevent quality sleep, as is the case with women, who go through different biological moments in their lives that generate hormonal changes that affect sleep. On this occasion, Dr. Angie Sencebe, from the Plaza Lima Sur Medical Center of Clinica Ricardo Palma, offers us more information on the subject.
Biological factors that alter a woman’s sleep
- Sleep disturbance due to menopause
Deep sleep is related to serotonin and superficial sleep to norepinephrine; in the menopausal woman who sleeps badly due to hot flashes, there is more norepinephrine than serotonin.
- Sleep disturbance due to menstruation and pre-menstruation
Decreased sleep quality is associated with bloating, increased body temperature, irritability, headaches, mood swings, and menstrual cramps. In the first half of the cycle, there is more estrogen, which helps with deeper sleep, and in the second half, there is more progesterone, which increases sleepiness.
- Sleep disturbance due to pregnancy
In the early stage of pregnancy, there is more progesterone, which is associated with drowsiness and shallower sleep, although this is not the direct cause of insomnia. Lack of sleep is more associated with the stress of pregnancy.
- Postpartum sleep disturbance
It occurs especially in the first months, due to lactation and hormonal changes, since the body is returning to its pre-pregnancy basal state.
Improve the quality of sleep with these recommendations from our specialist:
- Go to bed and get up, preferably at the same time
- Avoid drinking energy drinks or caffeine from the second half of the day
- Turn off all electronic devices an hour before going to bed
- take a warm shower
- Drink chamomile, linden, valerian, or warm milk with honey
- Eat dinner at least two hours before bed
- Make sure your room is cool, quiet, and dark
- Drink little liquid before going to bed
Dr. Angie Sencebe
Plaza Lima Sur Medical Center of Clínica Ricardo Palma