- (+51) 01 411·4550 / (+51) 01 224·2224
- Av. Javier Prado Este 1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú
- International Department
January 25, 2023
As we know, COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus that may be transferred by respiratory droplets, through the air, and/or direct contact with infected persons. During these holiday months, it is crucial to continue prophylactic measures to avoid COVID-19 infections. Our clinic’s pediatrician, Dr. Erick Olivera, offers the following advice in this regard:
Handwashing and hygiene
Use of mask
Opt for outdoor spaces.
Complete vaccination schedule
Remember to keep your child in isolation at home if:
In this way, the spread of the virus will be avoided among other members of the child’s family, as well as the circle with which they interact daily.
Dr. Erick Olivera
Pediatrician at Clínica Ricardo Palma