The Nutrition service at Clinica Ricardo Palma offers Bioimpedance, a body composition study that identifies the amount of fat that the patient is losing, being the most effective way to control their weight. “Stop eating carbohydrates, drink lemon water to lower fat, are some phrases we hear when talking about losing weight. To lose those extra kilos, there is nothing better than a balanced diet and regular exercise”, says Karyn Reyna, a nutritionist at our clinic, who gives us some recommendations to reach the ideal weight:
- Carbohydrates should not be completely eliminated. When you include them in your diet again, your body will absorb them faster. It will be enough to reduce the ration, in order to avoid anxiety pictures
- Eating fruit for dinner does not gain weight. You should only choose the one that has a low glycemic index, that is, the least sweet.
- Instead of white rice, choose potato, sweet potato, or yucca. Rice should be consumed 2 to 3 times a week, maximum. Thus, you include healthier carbohydrates with higher nutritional value in your diet.
- Skipping a meal is not good. If you do, you will generate periods of prolonged fasting, forcing your body to use its own reserves as energy for the day, and when you eat you will absorb everything to the maximum and a percentage will be stored as fat.
- It is not only important to lose weight, but also the percentage of fat. It is equally important to reduce the abdominal girth, waist, etc. Many times in 1 week or 15 days the weight can be maintained, but there is a loss of fat and an increase in muscle mass, which is positive.
- Strict diets are not recommended. Some patients achieve considerable weight loss by eating too little, causing loss of muscle mass. The ideal is to lose weight little by little with the continuity of a healthy diet and physical exercise; only then can sustainable results be seen on the balance.
Remember, you can start with your healthy diet today; you just have to seek advice from a nutritionist.
Dr. Karyn Reyna
Nutritionist at Clinica Ricardo Palma