Oral cavity diseases are a serious public health problem; however, since they are not directly related to increased mortality, they are not prioritized accordingly. It has been proven that some of these diseases are directly related to chronic diseases (diabetes and arterial hypertension) and failure to maintain proper oral health can aggravate the clinical pictures. Dr. Susant Aguirre, dentist at the Plaza Lima Sur Medical Center of Clinica Ricardo Palma, explains the main diseases of the oral cavity.
- Tooth decay: It is the most common in the population and consists of the destruction of the surface of the teeth due to lack of adequate dental cleaning. Its progression can be silent until it reaches the nerve or dental pulp and produces a lot of pain, inflammation, infection and even ends up in endocarditis in more severe cases.
- Gingivitis: It is the inflammation of the gums by accumulation of dental plaque or food debris. The gums look red, and swollen and may bleed when brushing, with dental floss, or spontaneously. With proper professional hygiene at home, this can be reversed.
- Chronic periodontitis: This is the next stage of gingivitis but also involves the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth (due to the accumulation of plaque under the gums). Failure to treat it in time and/or adequately can lead to tooth mobility and loss. In addition, it has been shown that it could lead to a rise in glucose levels in people with diabetes, may bring forward the delivery in cases of pregnancy, and increase the chances of suffering a myocardial or cerebral infarction or other cardiovascular events.
- Bad breath or halitosis: A set of unpleasant odors that are noticeable when the person speaks or converses, this is most often the result of poor oral hygiene where food is not removed between the teeth.
- Visit the dentist at least twice a year or every 6 months.
- Brush your teeth 3 times a day.
- Flossing at night, before brushing
- Use non-alcoholic mouthwash.
- Avoid high sugar diet.
Dentistry service hours at our Medical Center Plaza Lima Sur:
Days: Monday to Saturday
Morning shift: 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon shift: 2:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Susant Aguirre
Dentist at the Plaza Lima Sur Medical Center of Clinica Ricardo Palma