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- Av. Javier Prado Este 1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú
- International Department
September 24, 2022
“For the diagnosis of the disease, the cardiologist requests a physical examination and a series of tests: electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, Holter chest X-ray, to record the electrical activity of the heart while performing several daily activities, stress test, inclined table , among other studies,” explains Dr. Richard Soto Becerra, interventional cardiologist and electrophysiologist at our clinic.
We must pay attention to cardiac arrhythmia. If we go on a trip above 3,200 masl could we have some complication?, we ask. “If the arrhythmia is not well controlled, obviously that trip is not recommended. You could travel taking your medication and doing your pre-trip and post-trip controls,” he adds. Regarding food, he points out that people who suffer from this condition are not given any type of specific diet, but excessive consumption or frequent consumption of alcohol, energy drinks and excessive consumption of coffee are prohibited. Dr. Soto Becerra indicates that 3D Ablation is a new technology that allows treating very complex arrhythmias and curing them definitively. “Before, the only option was to take medication for life, now they can be cured,” he concludes.
What is it?
Cardiac arrhythmia is a disturbance of heart rhythm. It occurs when the electrical impulses that coordinate the heartbeat do not work properly, altering its orderly rhythm.
How does it manifest?
It manifests as irregular heartbeats (fast heartbeats are called tachyarrhythmias and slow heartbeats bradyarrhythmia). Arrhythmia can seriously affect the patient’s quality of life. On some occasions, it increases the risk of cerebrovascular accidents and/or sudden death. It can occur at any age.
Feeling short of breath, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat, slow heartbeat, chest or chest pain, sweating, and sudden weakness.
Narrowing of the coronary arteries, congenital heart disease, sleep apnea, stress, anxiety, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, electrolyte imbalance, taking certain medications, hyperthyroidism, obesity, diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension.
New procedure: 3D ablation
3D Ablation is an innovative, safe and effective method to treat arrhythmias. It is minimally invasive as it uses a 3D navigation system to introduce fine catheters to the heart, identifying the origin or critical area of the arrhythmia. The equipment allows the specialist to quickly locate the exact point of ablation to cauterize, with radiofrequency energy, the abnormal electrical signals that cause heart rhythm problems.
Dr. Richard Soto
Interventional cardiologist and electrophysiologist at Clinica Ricardo Palma