Urinary incontinence is a common condition in which the sufferer involuntarily leaks urine from the bladder. Although it is more frequent in older adults, this does not mean that it is a condition exclusive to this age group. Dr. Luis Miguel Peralta, urologist of our clinic, gives us more information about this condition.
What are the symptoms of urinary incontinence?
The symptoms will depend on the causes of urinary incontinence:
- If it is due to bladder malfunction, there may be burning when urinating, frequent urination, waking up at night to urinate, urge to urinate, and if the patient does not get to the bathroom, urine leaks.
- If it occurs due to a sphincter disorder, the discomfort is characterized by urine leakage when the affected person coughs, laughs, strains, etc.
What are your risk factors?
- Women are more likely to suffer from urinary incontinence.
- The older the age, the greater the risk.
- Being overweight increases pressure on the bladder.
- Multiple pregnancies. Having multiple pregnancies causes the tissues to relax, producing stretching of the pelvic floor muscles.
- Vaginal births. At the time of delivery, the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder undergo maximum stretching, and in some cases, this is permanent, causing urinary incontinence.
- This is a stage when women undergo many hormonal changes that can give rise to the onset of urinary incontinence.
- The constant straining to void can weaken the pelvic floor.
- Smoking increases the risk of incontinence.
- Certain pre-existing diseases. For example, diabetes or neurological diseases.
What to do to prevent urinary incontinence?
- The main measure to prevent urinary incontinence is to avoid some of the risk factors mentioned above, which involves multidisciplinary management. For example: have an adequate control of diabetes or overweight with an endocrinologist, keep the climacteric processes controlled with the gynecologist, and so on as appropriate.
- If you already have this pathology, you should see a specialist in urology to achieve adequate control and avoid further complications.
Dr. Luis Miguel Peralta
Urologist de la Clínica Ricardo Palma