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- Av. Javier Prado Este 1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú
- International Department
January 18, 2023
Cervicalgia is pain in the cervical area of the spine (neck), which can affect soft tissues (muscles), as well as cervical vertebrae or disks. Usually, cervicalgia is related to work activity, poor posture or movements; as well as it can also be related to more complex factors. This time, Dr. Antero Caballero, a traumatologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma, provides us with more information.
El síntoma principal es el dolor intenso que va desde la base de la región occipital (nuca) y que se puede extender incluso hasta los hombros y alrededor de los omóplatos. Además, es importante estar atento a los signos de alarma, como:
The main symptom is severe pain that goes from the base of the occipital region (nape) and that can even extend to the shoulders and around the shoulder blades. In addition, it is important to be aware of warning signs, such as:
The most frequent cause, in approximately 80% of cases, is by muscle strain, which are of good prognosis. It is also related to work activity or poor posture.
On the other hand, when alarm signs are found, more complex pathologies such as:
A good physical examination is often enough when it is of muscular origin; however, if alarm signs are found during the evaluation, other tests must be performed, such as:
The treatment depends on the diagnosis. When it is caused by muscle pain, it is based on:
When it affects the cervical spine, the treatments can range from:
Or surgical treatment such as:
There are several therapeutic options according to the patient’s diagnosis, the ideal management is to go from less to more in the treatment; that is why these pathologies should be managed by a specialist in the spinal column
Dr. Antero Caballero
Traumatologist at Clínica Ricardo Palma